Monday, March 7, 2011

Mission and Vision--#6

A mission statement ought to be a bit like a thesis--it provides a guide. It's like a goal and values road map. A vision statement, however, seems to me to be a much more active thing as it discusses what kind of world you wish to live in and what you want to do to make that happen. It's a weightier statement to make because it suggests a certain amount of responsibility.

I think that these are important statements to have, regardless of the weight they carry. It suggests a responsible person who can identify problems and important goals, and therefore, can be important indicators of a person's character.

Below, I have posted my mission and vision statements:

I value happiness, the freedom of expression, and a childlike imagination. I want to cultivate altruistic and benevolent traits, break bad habits, and perpetually be seeking self-betterment. I make it my mission to learn from every day, to always be seeking out the lessons of life. I strive to make a difference, work hard, and be a person of whom I can be proud. I aim to be single-minded in pursuit of my passions so that I can one day be the best writer I can be.

I envision a world where—
  • People desire to understand each other instead of spreading messages of hate, greed, and selfishness.
  • There are more first-world problems.
  • Cultural, religious, political, sexual and racial elitism is nonexistent.
  • Every culture values their children, education, and empowerment.
  • Curiosity and imaginations thrive and are encouraged.

What I can do to contribute to this vision is—
  • Lead by example and learn from the examples of others.
  • Create an atmosphere of acceptance and encourage conversation about diversity and respect.
  • To make new connections, to make friends out of enemies, and to reach out to others, regardless if their need is apparent.
  • Love and give to others as if they were my family and friends.
  • Think for myself instead of allowing the media, peers, and prominent public figures to define what I believe and the way I view the world.
  • Discourage gossip and maintain a personal standard of integrity, honesty, and confidentiality.
  • Write and tell stories that fulfill my personal mission and vision statements.

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